People who are busy with SharePoint migrations know that it is useful to first perform an analysis of the content. There are some tools to help you but most of them aren’t free. At this moment I’m busy with creating an inventory of a SharePoint 2007 and I’ve automated it in a console application. The console application can also be used on a SharePoint 2010 version.
My console application “SharePointContentInventory” generates a xml of al the sitecollections, sites, lists and workflows with their properties.
For business users is a xml not readable so I have also written a Windows Forms Application that generates a treeview of the xml. If you click on a treeviewnode the properties are shown in the right pane of the application.
What we have and what we need to do:
1. Download the SharePointContentInventory Console Application
2. Download the SharePointContentInventorySelector Application
2. Extract the both zip file.
3. You will see that in the folder of the console application there is a xml available “intramig.xml”. Change the settings to your settings
4. Open a command prompt with administrators rights
5. Go to the folder where you extracted the SharePointContentInventory Console application via the command
cd C:\SP_Content_Inventory
6. Run the console application via the command
SharePointContentInventory.exe -log "MigrationLog.log" -verboselog "migrationVerboseLog.log" -xml "intramig.xml" -nousage
7. Wait until the script is finished.
8. Open the SharePointContentInventorySelector Application
9. Browse to your “intramig.xml” file
10. Result:
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