A while ago I needed to create a shopping basket. When you click on an item in that basket it would be nice if that item opens in a modal popup. But how can you access the default SharePoint modal popup dialog if it isn’t in your masterpage?
I used following code:
public static class Helper{public static string GetDialogURL(string url, bool refreshOnClose, double width, double height){string str = string.Concat(new object[]{"SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog({ url:'",url,"',tite: 'Move Documents',allowMaximize: true ,showClose: true,width:",width,",height:",height});if (refreshOnClose){str += ",dialogReturnValueCallback: function(dialogResult){SP.UI.ModalDialog.RefreshPage(dialogResult)}";}str += "});";return str;}public static string GetDialogURL(string url){return Helper.GetDialogURL(url, true, 700.0, 800.0);}}
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